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AI-Powered YouTube Name Generator

Trained by 5 million+ YouTube channels. Generate your channel names now. For free.
pro tips:
1. A shorter description will lead to more crazy and creative channel name ideas.
2. Longer description will make the channel name ideas more punchy and to the point.
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Generated YouTube names

Type your Youtube Channel description first to get the names 😌
🤔 Found a good one? Start recording with VEED.LIVE!
Made you laugh? Tweet it!
Try typing in something like this: "Hilarious react videos and some of the best meme compilations"
Or this: "Passionate team of professionally curious experts in consumer technology and video production"

How to come up with a good Youtube name?

Engage with audience

Topic of your channel

The name of your channel revolves around the topic of your videos. It can either be short and to the point or playful and funny depending on your tone.
Micro content

Business Name

Is the channel focused on your business? If it’s designed to boost your brand, you should somehow include it in the name.
Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Spotify

Keyword Research

YouTube search engine is important for the discoverability of your channel. Do keyword research in your niche.


How do I pick a YouTube name?
Pick a name that aligns with the topic, target audience and tone of your channel. Write down interesting keywords from your niche and start brainstorming. Or you can always try our YouTube channel name generator.
How do I create a unique username?
Is there a funny pun or jargon in your topic? Try using that to come up with a unique username. You can also add a personal touch to the name to make it even more original and personal. Try our username generator for some ideas.
What is the best Youtuber name?
A big advantage (compared to podcasts for example) is that you can make your YouTube name more creative and less descriptive as people mostly browse through headlines, not channel names.

Some of our favorite names are: First We Feast, Hydraulic Press Channel or NadeKing

How to choose a cool YouTube Name?

1. Make it punchy and short

Examples: MrBeast, SportsNation, KinoCheck

Sometimes it doesn’t make much sense trying to be clever or funny. Keeping it simple and getting straight to the point might be your best bet but it depends on the topic and tone of your channel, keep that in mind.

2. Use a funny pun or common phrase

This tip revolves around your niche and target audience. Is there a common phrase you can think of? Use it as the name of your channel or to help you come up with a creative pun. It might take some extra time to come up with a good one but you could potentially strike gold.

3. Searchability is key

SEO plays a massive part on YouTube when it comes to people discovering your channel. It’s even more important in the headlines and descriptions of your videos but sometimes a descriptive channel name is your best bet.

4. Use your brand name

Is your YouTube channel designed to help your business and boost your brand? Just use your brand name. There are dozens of successful channels that do it this way.

5. Make it easy

One of the things that will always help your channel grow is the word of mouth. That’s why your YouTube name should be easy enough to spell and talk about. Write it down and read it aloud a few times to be sure.


More than just a YouTube Name Generator

Already got your YouTube name? Now it’s time to start recording your videos. With Welder, you can easily record your webcam and screen in high quality. You can also invite other participants and all your videos get automatically transcribed. Give it a try for free!
Start Recording With Welder
HQ recording from each participant
Works with any recording device
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Take your content to FullHD (1080p) by using your phone as a webcam in a few simple steps.